We partner with large teams and projects, providing niche services to implement NEPA, PEL, and transportation planning projects and programs efficiently.
Environmental Planning Strategy and NEPA Processes
Our clients rely on us to assist with many of their most significant and time-critical planning efforts.
Project definition, purpose and need, alternatives analysis, impact analysis, mitigation planning
Research and documentation of social and environmental resources
NEPA documents (EIS, EA, CatEx, reevaluations)
Section 4(f) evaluations
(de minimis, programmatic, individual evaluations) -
Independent third-party review / embedded staff
Program Management and Guidance
We support our clients' project development, planning, and environmental programs through management, training, and program support.
Work planning, project management, agency consultations
NEPA and PEL training programs
Policy support and grants
Guidance manuals & handbooks
Project management plans
Environmental compliance plans
Permitting and monitoring
Stakeholder Engagement
Collaboration and stakeholder partnerships strengthen programs and projects, and we are committed to transparent and logical decision making.
Public involvement plans
Agency coordination plans
Public outreach activities, such as public meetings, focus groups, speakers' bureaus
Collateral materials, such as fact sheets, brochures, media advisories, meeting notices, presentations
Comment-response management